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The Performative Feminine: Waking Wildness & Showing-the-F*ck-Up!

July 30, 2021

She's nice. 

She holds her tongue, holds her legs together, wears what's expected, says what's expected. 

She knows what's expected of her. 

She's learned. 

She's watched. 

She's been groomed--how to move and what to want. 

She dwells in a cage of conformity. 

She is a child in the garden, eating what she's given and wiping her mouth politely. 

She's polite  

She meets your needs. Hell, she may know what they are before even you do.

She's well trained--been jumping through hoops and wearing masks her whole life. 

This was how she learned to be accepted, wanted, needed. 

This is how she learned to be safe.

There's something soft, feral and sharp beneath that mask. I promise.

It has claws and teeth.

It's hungry.  

There's something wild that knows what it wants, that smells fear on the wind and howls back. 

There's something sweet beneath those layers---dripping the nectar of self-discovery.

Wanna meet her? 

I hope you enjoy this FaceBook LIVE discussion on this topic. If so, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. 

I will be holding a retreat this fall. Re Wilding: Primal Wisdom for a Modern World, September 17-19 near Bozeman, MT. For details please see this link in my servies section of my site.